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Don't worry, Africa - we'll go away when we finish
Don't worry, Africa - we'll go away when we finish
Never hesitate to liberate
Never hesitate to liberate
Guitar punk
Guitar punk
Eat the rich
Eat the rich
Don't be a fucking scab
Don't be a fucking scab
Jesus is coming open your mouth
Jesus is coming open your mouth
There is no Planet B
There is no Planet B
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky
Who's watching the watchers? Join the resistance
Who's watching the watchers? Join the resistance
Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been caught, will we realize that we can't eat money
Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been caught, will we realize that we can't eat money
Zombie jesus drink blood eat flesh
Zombie jesus drink blood eat flesh
Make racists afraid again
Make racists afraid again
Imaginary friends are for kids
Imaginary friends are for kids
Freedom for palestine
Freedom for palestine
Make gardens not war
Make gardens not war
Anarchy cat
Anarchy cat
If you don't come to democracy, democracy will come to you
If you don't come to democracy, democracy will come to you
I'm not complicated
I'm not complicated
Workers' rights
Workers' rights
Cops are manipulated
Cops are manipulated
Brigadas internacionales
Brigadas internacionales
All Cops Are Bastards
All Cops Are Bastards
System works because you work
System works because you work
A.C.A.B. All Cops Are bastards
A.C.A.B. All Cops Are bastards
Tofu never screams
Tofu never screams
Join the green side
Join the green side
Oi! if the kids are united
Oi! if the kids are united
CCCP Gulag Express
CCCP Gulag Express
Eat the rich
Eat the rich
Working Class Skinhead
Working Class Skinhead
Antispeciesist action
Antispeciesist action
Eat pussy not animals
Eat pussy not animals
White supremacy is terrorism
White supremacy is terrorism
Religion is slavery
Religion is slavery
Skinhead pride
Skinhead pride
Fight fascism
Fight fascism
The only good fascist is a dead fascist
The only good fascist is a dead fascist
Atheism: a non-prophet organisation
Atheism: a non-prophet organisation
Anarchy Wolf
Anarchy Wolf
Animal liberation now
Animal liberation now
The most violent element in society is ignorance (Emma Goldman)
The most violent element in society is ignorance (Emma Goldman)
This is what a feminist looks like
This is what a feminist looks like
My pussy my choice my body my voice - politicans off my poontang
My pussy my choice my body my voice - politicans off my poontang
Drop beers not bombs
Drop beers not bombs
Your value is not determined by your productivity
Your value is not determined by your productivity
Know your enemy
Know your enemy

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